Natural Living Pt 1: Tips and Tools
Becoming more mindful of what I put in and ON my body has been a major part of my wellness journey. These days, I like to keep things as natural as possible. Toxins in food, household, and cosmetic products are linked to all sorts of illnesses and adverse health conditions from cancer to reproductive harm. Black women in particular experience these conditions at higher rates than any other group. This is why I find it so important to learn about the ingredients in what we’re eating and the products we’re using. For those of us who are not chemists, it can seem like a lot to keep up with at first. No worries, I’ve got you. I’ve been into this for a hot minute and actually enjoy investigating and learning about what’s in the foods and cosmetics I’m using. Complete nerd mode. Let’s start with some tips:
Pace Yourself: You can take your time and replace your toxic products one by one or You can throw away and replace all your toxic products at once. Which ever floats your boat.
Research before you go to the store: It definitely helps to take time and research before you go shopping. Word to the wise, look beyond the marketing of products. It’s important to remember that vegan or ‘all natural’ doesn’t always equal non-toxic. Things are changing and it’s exciting to see more companies coming out with truly non-toxic options. Luckily, there are tools to help us decipher the real from the fake. I’ve included some below.
Less is more, sometimes: Less is usually more when it comes to ingredient lists. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes a natural ingredient has a long and complicated chemical name. As you research and build your knowledge base, you’ll come to know which ingredients should be avoided like dyes or triethonolamine (TEA), etc.
Relax. STRESS is a toxin. Above all else, remember stress is a toxin! I’ve learned that unless I plan to live in a bubble, it’s almost impossible to avoid all toxins. I can minimize and reduce exposure, doing my best.
This free app is my go-to when I’m shopping for new products. Powered by the Environmental Working Group, it features product health and safety ratings for over 200,000 food and cosmetics products backed by real scientific research. I personally use the app more for health and beauty products than the other categories.
EWG’s Skin Deep rates cosmetic products on a 1-10 scale; 1 being low hazard, 5 moderate hazard & 10 high hazard. EWG’s food scores also rate food products on a 1-10 scale; 1 being the best score, 5 the moderate score and 10 the worst score. Household cleaners are rated on a A-F scale, with A being the lowest concern and F being the highest concern. Each score is based on specific criteria in that respective category. There are also EWG-verified products in the personal care category featuring products that meet their strict health criteria. In full transparency, their methodology is available online. For additional transparency, they indicate when data is limited in their scoring.
I appreciate the complete breakdown they offer because it allows me to determine for myself whether I want to use a product. As a woman who has experienced her fair share of reproductive health conditions (heavy periods, fibroids, cysts, etc.) developmental concerns weigh more heavily than other categories like allergies which I’m generally free from. I also still use products that contain fragrance (8 rating) if all the other ingredients are safe and natural. I try to stick to products that are rated 1-4 or EWG-verified. (Exception: currently looking an alternative to Eco-Styler Gel that can still lay my edges/ponytails, I’m a work in progress!)
Note: A brand may have a product that's low-hazard or EWG-verified while another is moderate-high hazard. I’ve found it’s best to go on a product-by-product basis. If a specific product isn’t rated on the app, I research individual ingredients (time permitting). For example: Big brands like Lysol are creating healthier products. Their Hydrogen Peroxide Multi-Purpose Cleaner is rated A on the App (in specific scents like Citrus Sparkle) while their old school bleach products are rated D-F. Herbal Essences has EWG verified shampoos in their new bio:renew line while the conditioners are rated moderate hazard.
Bonus: They also come out with a shopper’s guide to pesticides in produce every year. I use the list to determine which produce I buy organic. You can sign up here to receive the 2023 list.
BLK+GRN is an all natural marketplace by all Black artisans. Black-owned and toxic-free products are a win-win for me. Through BLK + GRN, I’ve found cool brands like Alodia Hair Care and Dirt Don’t Hurt Health and Beauty products. What I love about these brands and artisans, is that they create with intention and usually their entire product lines are clean. All the work is done for you and you can shop in peace.
I discovered this resource while writing this blog. They are “tackling the environmental injustice of Black beauty with our list and database of non-toxic Black-owned beauty products that Black women can trust.” See the list
Check out Natural Living Part 2 for some of my favorite non-toxic health and beauty products.
*This blog post is not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any ailments or health concerns*
-Cover photo found on @blkandgrn Instagram