Third Time’s a Charm: My Yoga Journey

The first time I was introduced to yoga was through a dvd in a high school gym class. I was NOT into it (insert teenage eye roll.) Fast forward to college, my friend took me to a free class in NYC. It was super crowded and we found spots towards the back. I didn’t understand what was going on and the man next to me was breathing too loud for my taste. Knowing what I know now, maybe he was practicing pranayama, the yogic practice of focusing on one’s breath.

Fast forward again to post-college. I was a young professional with an often stressful job and re-adjusting to living with family again. My god sisters added me to their plan at the YMCA where I would take the class that finally got me into yoga. Class sizes were small and once or twice, I was the only person there. The style was Iyengar yoga which is very focused on alignment. With the small class sizes, I was able to understand the teacher, slow down and really connect with my body. I followed this specific teacher to the studio she taught at nearby and began taking her classes almost weekly when I wasn’t traveling for work. 

Almost a decade since starting, I’ve taken many vinyasa classes. For a few years I enjoyed the grounding, energizing, and rhythmic practice of Afro-flow yoga and I also spent some time in a restorative class with wise elders. Wherever life finds me, I have this practice to anchor me. When the timing is right, I plan to get certified. 

These days, I have a super simple, daily at-home practice, no fancy headstands involved. Physical asanas aside, I’m more focused on the yoga of life these days. There are 8 limbs to yoga which include much more than the physical. I’m applying the lessons I learn in my practice to how I live my life. Namely:

  1. Practice over Perfection

  2. Breathe Always

  3. Trust myself (my body)

  4. Be mindful when transitioning.


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